Be forever inspire to live fearlessly and to dive into life with open arms
Quote by
-John Quincy Adams
Dear Monica and ModaBox,
Before my internship with ModaBox, I was always so scared and unsure about my career and what the future would hold for me. As a person who loves organization and enjoys being in control, I struggled with the uncertainty of the future and not knowing what will happen next. I guess it is safe to say that I have your typical case of Type A personality, haha. But although I am a very career-oriented person, I often lacked the confidence in myself and my abilities to completely leave my comfort zone. I would think to myself, in competitive industries like fashion and business, there will always be someone who is more qualified and skilled than me. This fear of not being good enough would always remain in the back of my mind as I progressed through college and got closer and closer to working in the real world. So, in pursuit of strengthening my resume and skills, I began my search for a summer internship, during which I stumbled upon ModaBox.
I was immediately attracted to Monica’s inspiring story and ModaBox’s mission statement. ModaBox’s beautiful cohesion of fashion and women empowerment resonated with me and confirmed that I had found the internship for me. As a young Asian-American woman pursuing a career in a creative field, I saw myself in Monica and related to her passion to succeed. I was amazed by all that she has accomplished and wanted to join her on her journey. It is through this time together that I have learned many things that I will forever keep in my heart.
Through our long talks and discussions about women empowerment, I learned a lot about myself and was given the opportunity to reflect on my own journey. This internship has taught me that it is okay to be afraid of the future because it is through our mistakes and new experiences that we discover ourselves and our true potential. During my time with Monica, I was reminded that as individuals we are constantly learning and gradually growing into the person we are meant to be. Life will not always be a clear, direct course; sometimes it is winding roads, misdirection, and bumpy paths. But it is how we handle these roadblocks that matter most. Each life lesson strengthens us and better equips us for the next chapter of our lives. With this lesson in mind, I have a newfound sense of self and the confidence that I am ready for whatever life has in store for me. Because of Monica, I am forever inspired to live fearlessly and to dive into life with open arms, ready to embrace my next journey.
For this, I want to thank you Monica and ModaBox for contributing to my growth and for instilling in me the confidence and strength that I had temporarily lost sight of. I will carry with me the passion that you have for women empowerment and encourage those around me to reach their fullest potential. Thank you for our time together and for everything that you have taught me.
Wishing you all the best,