How to Dress on Your First Day of College

Monica Phromsavanh
4 min readAug 31, 2017


Photo Credit: pete-bellis

There is nothing quite like the feeling of walking around campus and taking a second to think about all the experiences that are yet to come. Your first day of college is a whirlwind of emotions ranging from excitement to nervousness. All of your hard work has led to this moment: your first day of college. You cannot believe that the time is finally here and you are ready to start “the best four years of your life”. College presents the opportunity to start fresh and become whoever you want to be. But with this can be a lot of pressure. Questions like, “What will people think of me?” “Will I make a lot of friends?” and “How do I look cool without trying too hard?” come racing to your head. But before you make yourself dizzy with these questions, here are a few tips on how to dress on your first day of college that will help you feel ready to start your new journey.

Tip #1: Wear Something that Reflects Who You Are

One of the greatest things about college is the ability to start fresh and be whoever you want to be. With that in mind, do not focus on what you think you should be wearing or what everyone else is wearing. Instead, pick the clothes that reflect your personality. When meeting new people, one of the first things they notice is your appearance. In a matter of 6 seconds, they can form an idea of who they think you are based on how you look. Because of this, you want to wear the clothes that give them insight into who you truly are and how you want to be perceived. If your personality is bold and outgoing, don’t be afraid to be daring with your wardrobe. Or, if you are more mysterious and edgy, wear the clothes that embody that persona. No matter what you want your clothes to say about you, be sure to choose the pieces that stay true to who you are because, in college, authenticity is everything.

Tip #2: Wear What You Feel Confident In

When starting a new chapter in our lives, we could all use a little boost of confidence. One way to feel more confident for your first day of college is by wearing one of your favorite articles of clothing. Whether it is your favorite pair of ripped jeans or your graphic tee, wearing these items will help you feel more comfortable in a new setting. By choosing an outfit that you genuinely love to wear, you will feel confident about your appearance and be more open to talking to new people. In addition, wearing your favorite pieces gives you a sense of familiarity in a setting where everything is new. Even if it just a necklace or a bracelet that you like to wear every single day, it is these small things that will give you a sense of comfort and confidence as you start your first day of college!

Tip #3: Do Not Think about the Opinions of Others

This is probably the most important and valuable tip for anyone who is starting college. Tuning out the opinions of others in regards to how you dress or in how you act is not a lesson that many college students learn as Freshman. During a time where you are finding yourself and becoming comfortable in your own skin, you can be extremely susceptible to the opinions of others. But, you should not waste your time trying to please everyone. Wear whatever you want to wear. If you want to wear a dress to class and get all dolled up, then do it. If you want to dress more comfortably and wear a t-shirt with leggings, do it! People will judge you and make assumptions about you no matter how you dress. But at the end of the day, all that matters is that you wear the clothes that make you happy. Don’t let the thought of image or stereotypes dictate how you think you should dress. The right friends will love you for you.

When thinking about your first day of college there are a million things running through your head, including what to wear to make the right first impression. Your friends, family, and social media will all try to tell you how they think you should look for your first day. But, no one can tell you what is best for you. Only you can decide what clothes truly suit you. So, pick out your power outfit and step out onto your college campus with confidence. The next chapter of your life awaits!

Article written by Nicole Gamboa



Monica Phromsavanh
Monica Phromsavanh

Written by Monica Phromsavanh

Founder of EQUAL HANDS 😎 Fashion Ecologically and Socially Sustainable Lifestyle Brand. Every purchase is positively impacting the world♻️

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