How to Find Motivation to Dress up and Show up
It is Monday morning, and your alarm clock just went off signaling the start of a long work week. We have all woken up on a Monday with zero motivation to be productive and no desire to get out of bed, especially during summer when we can practically hear the beach calling our names.
On rough Monday mornings, staying in bed can seem like the best idea which is why it is important to help your future self and plan. For the days when staying in bed sounds too tempting, I have found a few ways to spark motivation to dress up and start my day!
The first thing I like to do is on Sunday nights I will write down a few things that I am looking forward to on Monday. Waking up to a list of things that you are excited about is a great way to start your Monday and serves as a reminder of all the fun things you have planned for the day. After reading about everything that I am looking forward to I already feel more awake and ready to get out of bed.
I find it to be the most helpful to start my week with having a meeting planned with someone who inspires me and motivates me to work my hardest. This person can be a mentor, a relative, or a friend you truly look up to. Find that person who magically instills the energy in you to be the best version of yourself and achieve your goals. Meeting with a mentor at the beginning of the week always leaves me feeling motivated and ready to tackle my workload. But if a meeting with an inspirational peer still does not seem like enough reason to get out of bed on a Monday morning, plan something that you know you cannot resist, whether it is a lunch with friends, going to see the movie that just came out, or trying the new restaurant that just opened. Planning a fun event can serve as a reward for all the stress and craziness that comes along with Mondays. After all, if you work hard, you should be able to play hard too!
For the especially difficult Mondays, I also like to have plans set that I know I would want to look presentable or cute for. Knowing that I have to look my best for a presentation or trendy for brunch with friends, means taking longer to get ready. With this in mind, I find myself jumping out of bed faster to start picking out an outfit. I love taking the extra time and effort to put on my makeup and do my hair. If making sure I feel confident in what I am wearing for the day means getting out of bed earlier, then you bet my butt will be out of bed as soon as my alarm clock goes off! Confidence in my appearance has a huge effect on my mood for that day. Even on the days where I feel like my brain is too scattered to pick out an outfit, I know how much feeling good in what I am wearing matters to me. I would happily trade a few minutes of lying in bed for a day of confidence and positivity.
No matter how much you are dreading Monday or how unmotivated you feel, there will always be something worth getting out of bed for, it is up to you to find out what that is. So, grab your favorite outfit, get all dressed up, show up to where you need to be and make your Monday worth it.
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Phromsavanh is a passionate serial entrepreneur creating business solutions in the industry she knows best — fashion. She is an innovative brand builder with multifaceted expertise in retail, marketing, strategy, business development, and consumer behavior. Phromsavanh is an acclaimed Keynote speaker and enjoys speaking on topics that include — entrepreneurship, minority women in business, leadership, women’s empowerment, E-commerce, shopping habits and personalization, fashion, retail, and motivational ideas for carving a non-conventional path. Contact Monica to have her speak at your company event or conference soon.