I’ve been inspired by many remarkable people, and now I want to use what I have learned to try and inspire others. Through my successes and failures, so much of the experience I’ve gained has been influenced by the people I am lucky enough to consider advisors mentors and friends. Now I want to give back what has been given to me, and hopefully pay forward the goodness that others have bestowed on me. Whether it is information about starting a business, becoming an effective leader, building a network- or something I share about my daily life- I know how valuable having people I respected and trusted around me to provide guidance and ideas has been in my personal and professional successes. I hope to use this blog to create a place for sharing with you the things that I have learned. I am especially interested in helping other women who want to pursue entrepreneurship or anything else they set out to accomplish. No relationship is ever in one single direction- if I can help someone else to achieve a goal or learn a new skill, I believe I will gain from the experience as much as I give. My journey has been a long and unlikely one. I overcame the odds to get to where I am today and I believe that if I could do it, with a little bit of help, so can you.
Phromsavanh is a passionate serial entrepreneur creating business solutions in the industry she knows best — fashion. She is an innovative brand builder with multifaceted expertise in retail, marketing, strategy, business development, and consumer behavior. Phromsavanh is an acclaimed Keynote speaker and enjoys speaking on topics that include — entrepreneurship, minority women in business, leadership, women’s empowerment, E-commerce, shopping habits and personalization, fashion, retail, and motivational ideas for carving a non-conventional path. Contact Monica to have her speak at your company event or conference soon.
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